CS Care- Advanced Search

CS Care- Advanced Search

How it Works

Advanced search is a helpful tool for advanced filtering on cases for viewing, assigning, and exporting case data.  The functionality of advanced search is based on dynamic rule creation. Filter rules can be used for one-time searching, or saved as case filters to be used continuously within a project. There are three groups of question fields that can be used to create rules, and knowing which fields to use, is important in getting accurate results.

Understanding Advanced Search Fields

The three field groups of advanced search are:

Case Fields

Case fields are always inclusive of the following fields:
Name (Collected at case or contact profile creation)
Date (Creation date of case)
Status (Current status of a case)
Assignee (Case assignee)
Source (Where the case originated from (Contact, Care, Public Webform, or Integration)

Demographic Survey Fields

Demographic survey fields are unique to your organization's profile design, and display within the profile details section of a case. These fields are collected when a case is created either from within Care or from Contact. It is important to note that these fields will only be filled out to the extent that a caller or client gave the information for them. Cases created from public webforms will ALWAYS have blank demographic survey fields until the survey is updated in Care. For these reasons, filtering by demographic surveys fields should be done sparingly, as you may inadvertently filter out blank or incomplete profiles from your search.

Intake Survey Fields

Intake survey fields are unique to a projects intake form, and are the first data collection fields, above and beyond PII, gathered when a case is created. If your project intake is hosted in Contact, you may find that you have duplicate name and contact fields, this is intentional, and will allow you to search project data exhaustively and specifically.

How to Use Advanced Search

STEP 1: Create Rule(s)

Click +Rule to add case filter logic. You can add as many rules as are required by simply clicking +Rule for every field that should be considered in the filter.

Rules about Rules

  1. Each rule within a filter has to be a unique field I.E. You cannot filter for both Closed and Open cases, as these are the same field (Status).
  2. Filters only follow “AND” Logic, and do not accommodate “OR” logic. If you require the latter, consider an exhaustive case export or filtering in steps.
  3. Ensure your logic makes sense. I.E. A filter searching for Status = Unassigned + Assignee = John makes no sense.
  4. Ensure you are using the appropriate case fields to filter on. Intake survey fields are usually the best.

STEP 2: Confirm Results

Review cases to confirm rules are filtering out the cases you need. If no results are found be sure to review your rules to ensure they are written appropriately. (See Step One Rules about Rules)

STEP 3: Save a Case Filter

If the filtered results look good and you know you will need to see cases in this filtered view frequently, it is best to save the rule as a case filter. You can opt to save a filter for all on your team members to see, or just for your own personal use (recommended).

Note on Case Filter Names

Unique names are required for case filters. If you find you are having an issue saving a case filter try to rename it. I.E. Instead of naming it “Search by DOB” try MG-Search by Client DOB”

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